
Saturday Group Coaching


I can help you feel better. How do I know this? Well to be honest I have always known this intuitively but I had not acknowledged it explicitly (even to myself), until very recently. A long time ago, in my early twenties I had fantasized about opening a shop on the street with a title “Happiness Turn”. My idea was that people could walk in and I would have conversations with them in a way that when they walked out they would feel happier about themselves and their lives than when they walked in. I never opened this shop – instead I went on to study psychology, to do a PhD in organizational behavior, do research on workplace happiness, design a doctoral level course on positive psychology, run 10 years of an executive program titled ‘Leading with Joy’, and offer an online course on edX on ‘Work, Happiness and Meaning’. I did all of this but I did not open that shop titled ‘Happiness Turn’.

I have been told by over thousands of people (including students, clients, friends and even strangers on planes and trains) that they have felt happier after having a chat with me and yet somehow I did not acknowledge this gift that I had. The gift I always knew I had even before I decided to do a PhD or study happiness as a subject.

Now I am opening that shop finally. It is not on the street though, it is on the internet. It is not titled ‘Happiness Turn’ but titled ‘Reset – Reframe – Recharge’. It is not a walk in shop, – you need to register in advance and we will be meeting as a group through an online videoconferencing platform called ZOOM. But the offer is the same. I will facilitate you through questions, reframes and conversation to process whatever it is that your brain is processing in a different way – a way that leaves you feeling happier, more empowered, confident, and capable to take the next step in your life, your week, your day.

We typically work with 2 or 3 cases each saturday in the live session and we also have a closed whatsapp group where you can post reflections, questions and cases during the week.

Why are we meeting not just once but every week? Because our human brains are creatures of habit and unless we do something at regular intervals (be it exercise or be it a reframing in our attitudes and thinking patterns) we can quickly let go of a positive reframe and slip back into our earlier frames and patterns.

Why are we meeting in a group? Because group sessions are fun and lively and we have way more common ‘problems’ than we realize. We listen, we share and we sigh a relief as we let go of the stuff that’s weighing us down. When we see that our stuff is pretty much similar to the stuff that’s weighing others down as well (albeit in disguise) we actually lessen our identification with our ‘problems’ as something that is special and unique only to us and then we stop giving it all that extra importance and significance that makes it stick to us.

What happens if you miss a session because you have a different Saturday evening party to attend sometimes (because this is also a Saturday evening party you know! :-). Well you get a recording of the call so you can see/listen at your own time that particular week.

See the video below to understand more about the nature and design of these sessions.

“It is always a pleasure to hear Ramya, she has this calm aura oozing out” – Fatema Patherya, Eduprenuer, Founder of Zunopy and Eggheads Education

“Sessions by Ramya actually make you feel cleared with a sense of space inside” – Amita Jalan, Managing Partner, Learning & Operations, TrainCraft

Annual Membership: INR 10,000 (or USD 150) for an entire year of support. This is an ongoing coaching group and you can join anytime during the year and start your one year subscription from the date of your joining .

Why let your mind work against you when you can learn to use it such that it works for you?

Write to contact@craftingourlives.com to join the saturday group coaching program.